Fashion and Etiquette

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Public appearance, fashion trends, and public etiquette are all closely linked on Boink. While it may seem odd that clothing plays such an important role on a planet which is famous for being clothing optional, it is the society's relaxed attitudes towards nudity and sexuality that make it so important.

Public Sexual Etiquette

Although nudity and sex in public are accepted aspects of Boink's society, The style of clothing worn, or not worn, by members of the public on Boink is considered paramount when considering what actions should be considered appropriate when one is out in public spaces, and dealing with the planet's citizens:

Fashion Statements

Owing to the fact that the planet is owned and operated by a race of living sex toys, it stands to reason that sexuality is therefore the prime consideration in Boink's clothing designs. This is because physical affection is not just accepted, but encouraged, and Boink's clothing designs follow suit.

With that in mind, clothing on Boink tends to fall into one of three categories:

Formal Wear:

Any clothing which covers the genitals is considered formal wear. This can be anything from a full outfit, to a simple string bikini. Covering up your genitals sends the message "I am busy right now, and don't have time for sex. I don't mind if you look, but don't touch. I have things I need to do."

Casual Nudity:

Nudity is casual wear on Boink. Citizens may go around in public completely unclothed, or wearing simple items of jewelry such as armbands, bracelets, necklaces, ear cuffs, (or antenna trinkets if it's a Foozle) This sends the message "I'm not really looking for sex, but I might say yes if asked politely."

The Fuck-Me Suit

This third classification describes items of clothing which are worn specifically to point out that the person wearing them has chosen to put themselves on display with an intent to sexually arouse onlookers. Consider these outfits to be sexy lingerie, worn for public display. These can be of any design, but all have one singular hallmark: they pointedly put the genitals on display, with the unspoken "I could be covered up, but I'm deliberately not." and the message these outfits give off is "I'm horny and interested. Come get some!"

The Boink Handshake

One of the functions of Boink's society that has shaped it's fashion trends, is a ritualized greeting sometimes called the "Boink Handshake."

When greeting each other, rather than simply grasping hands in a handshake, citizens of Boink will instead grasp each other's genitals, and gently grope each other in a manner most suited to the genitalia on display. This is considered not just friendly, but polite.

  • A cock will be fondled, and lightly squeezed to ascertain the current arousal level of the owner. (Whether the cock becomes erect from this fondling will also be noted.)
  • A ballsack may be hefted, and gently rolled to determine how much cum it may be holding. (With an eye towards identifying how long the owner has gone without an orgasm, and whether they might want one to be offered.)
  • Breasts may be hefted, lightly fondled, and nipples brushed or lightly squeezed. (This can help identify if the owner is carrying milk in them.)
  • A pussy may be cupped, spread, and lightly fingered. (Wetness and clit arousal may be determined this way. If the owner is found to be lubricating, penetration with one or more fingers may follow suit.)

It is considered polite to grope for at least five seconds, but goping may be extended for longer depending on the arousal and responsiveness of the one being groped. Especially extended groping will tend to be received as an invitation to sex, with groping then simply becoming foreplay.

If the owner of the genitalia is found to be aroused by the fondling, to the point that they leak precum/lubrication onto the hand doing the groping, it is considered polite for the one doing the groping to lick those juices off their fingers in a visibly obvious a manner once the "handshake" is concluded.

Tip for Offworlders

One may encounter such a greeting when being approached by someone looking either for sex, or who just to strike up a friendly conversation. It is generally wise for an offworlder to let the other person go first, and match your own reaction to theirs, so that you don't come off as pushy.