The Doomsphere

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The Doomsphere

"Behold, my loyal minion! Our new secret lair... of evil!" - Talboc

"It's a sinister and deeply unwholesome place, full of dark forebodings... plus, it appears to be staring at my boobs." - Pleasure

The Doomsphere is the headquarters and base of operations of Talboc. It is shaped like a giant sphere of interconnected, triangular metal plates, with a big window in the shape of a pentagram on its upper half (the fact that the pentagram wasn't inverted was something of a disappointment to its new owner.) The Sphere is located in a desolate, snowy landscape at an unknown location.

Talboc acquired it on E-Bay, where it was the most affordable option that still had a whole roof.


The interior of the Doomsphere is somewhat of an odd mix between futuristic, hi-tech areas and more pseudo-medieval/classical rooms built out of stone, the latter being more common in the lower levels of the building.

The main entrance is located at the bottom of the Sphere, in a faux-marble entryway flanked by colonnades. Through a pair of hotel-style doors with yellow glass emblazoned with the words "Doomsphere - Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here", one enters a lobby hewn from stone, illuminated by burning braziers and decorated by giant inverted pentagrams. In the center of the lobby is a massive stone desk with a statue of a demon behind it.

There is a dungeon in the lowest portion of the Sphere.