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Revision as of 17:39, 20 October 2019 by Cobalt (talk | contribs) (some formatting)
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Important Note:

One of the problems inherent in explaining the history of the Delos, is that many of the words required to tell the tale accurately simply do not exist, and that a more accurate explanation would exist not as words, but rather, as a mathematical equation. However, it would be an equation of such intricate depth, breadth and length, that it would require several universities worth of chalkboards to do it any amount of justice.

Suffice to say that the information presented here is wrong, but it as close to correct as it is possible to get without breaking out the chalk and inconveniencing a large number of math professors, for a large number of days, weeks, or even months depending on how much detail one might feel the finer points of the story required.

The use of metaphors in place of actual fact should therefore be acknowledged.

Anyway, with all that out of the way:

The Delos were a race of energy beings who lived in a dimension of pure energy. Over time they developed knowledge, and with knowledge came science, and with science came scientists.

And one day their scientists discovered something horrible: that their universe was coming to an end. The process was already well underway, and there was simply no way to prevent it from happening.

And so, they came up with a plan. If their universe was ending, then they had to find a new one to inhabit.

After much study and effort, a device was constructed which would enable their entire society to be protectively encapsulated, and which would see that capsule transported through a dimensional gateway into a neighboring reality. The Delos would then re-establish their society in this new universe.

Unfortunately, their own universe was already so unstable, that when the device was switched on, it triggered the collapse of their universe practically instantly.

In the resulting chaos, a small hand-full of Delos (five in total) were ejected from their universe into ours, and scattered throughout space, with each believing, for a number of years, that they were the only survivor of the catastrophe.

Eventually, these lone Delos would find themselves drawn back together as a group, and once together, they would discover that each of them carried with them a segment of their encapsulated world. These segments, which appeared to be small stones, attracted to each other with an almost magnetic pull, and when they were brought together, they fused back into a whole, the capsule was released, and the entire Delosian race were freed from within.

During the years that these lone Delos wandered the universe before meeting back up, a number of them had met and befriended Foozles.

So, when the Delosian race were finally freed, and in need of a new world to settle upon, Boink was the natural choice. The Foozles welcomed them with open arms (among other things) and the resulting union of these two races was given a name: The Libertine Union.

The Foozles and the Delos now live upon and share Boink as friends, lovers and equals.


The Delos resemble four-foot tall teddy bears.

One of the more recognizable aspects of their appearance is the presence of a tiara style headband hoop, which contains a symbol on the front. These symbols are many and varied, but not unique to each individual. The meaning of these symbols, if they even have any, is unclear. The color of the tiara, and the symbol displayed sometimes even appear to be little more than a fashion statement or an affectation. However, each Delos wears one and rarely, if ever, take it off.