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Grav'Navar is the home planet of the Grav, a race of sentient panda people.


Grav'Navar's culture is one of enlightened intellectualism centered around the pursuits of science, art and philosophy. Although a visitor to their world may at first assume that their society is primitive in nature, owing to the lack of visible technology or the pollution that tends to go with technological advancement, they will soon discover that their technology is practically everywhere, and so advanced that it appears more as magical than technological, and they simply do not require the sort of monolithic societal construction that would ordinarily be considered the hallmark of an advanced society.

Fashion and Design

The Grav, owing to their deep cultural foundations of science and art, have developed a cultural identity built around a love of design. Their culture's sense of style is therefore founded upon mathematical precision, skill of manufacture, and visual appeal. The end result is a style which, to a human eye, would appear as a blend of oriental (chinese/japanese) and ancient greek.


Grav clothing is designed around both comfort and visual appeal, and ranges from flowing toga-style dress to intricately embroidered silks.


Grav architecture tends toward harmony with its environment, with structures at first appearing to be exposed to the elements, with the clever use of low-power forcefield used to keep out the wind and weather when needed. Larger structures, where required, are open and pillared in a blend of greek temple and japanese pagoda.

Alliance With Boink

The governments of Grav'Navar and Boink have signed a trade pact witch in essence, makes them business partners. They trade their technologies freely, with Foozle scientists and Grav scientists working hand in hand on a range of various inventions and products, which both planets benefit from, both in the creation and use of them, as well as financially when they are marketed.


The Grav ambassador to Boink is named Bao. He, his wife Lin, and their son Pongo live together in a home near Boink's capital city. Boink is represented on Grav through regular visits from Boink's ambassador Minty.