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    This page is about the sport. For the arcade game, see FoozBall!

Foozball is one of many sexually-themed sports invented on Boink. It combines elements of Soccer, Basketball, Flag and Touch Football, and Freeze Tag with a kinky twist.


Like most team sports of this variety, it features two teams of players in uniforms, who are trying to score points by getting a ball into their opponent's goal. What sets Foozball apart is that while most recognized sports of this variety tend to be somewhat violent, Foozball is not. Instead, one of the core principles of the game is trying to seduce the other team.

One of the items that sets it apart in this fashion are the uniforms the players wear. They appear to be form-fitting bodysuits with an attached cowl. However, these suits are not simple fabric. They are computer-controlled, network linked, and subdivided into areas. This allows sections of each suit to be switched off at appropriate times during play. The only sections which can not be switched off are the hands, the forearms, an armband section around the bicep, feet, legs up to the thigh, and the cowl. The cowl covers the the neck and the upper shoulders.


At the start of play, the two teams take the field and the ball is launched into the air at center, Once it comes down again, both teams will try to claim ownership of it by touching the ball first. Once that touch is recorded by the scoring computer, one team will have possession of the ball, and will be playing offense. The other team will therefore be playing defense.

The team playing offense will then attempt to move the ball down the field towards their opponent's goal with the intention of putting the ball into the goal and scoring. The team playing defense will attempt to stop them from doing this by getting in the way, blocking the players and trying to steal the ball. A ball in the air with nobody touching it is said to be out of possession, and during these moments it is possible for the ball to change ownership by being stolen out of the air by the other team. The ball may be grabbed with the hands, picked up and tossed, but players can not move while holding the ball in their hands. They can kick it to run with it, or pass it by throwing it.

Similar to both flag football, and touch football, rather than tackling and body-checking the opposing team, the defensive players will block the offense players by touching those players with two hands. Once a two-handed touch has been scored on an offense player, that player is declared held, and they are taken out of play. Thanks to sensors in the player's suits, the scoring computer then registers the hold, lights on the player's cowl will light red to signal the player is held, and a section of the held player's suit is then derezzed. Players who are "held" may not move from their position on the field.

Play will continue in this fashion throughout the game, with players losing more and more of their outfits with each touch made against them. As the ball changes possession during the game, both sides will therefore be stripped out of their outfits.

Once players are stripped of every removable section of their outfit, they are declared "open." Once an offense player is open, and a hold touch is made on them, they are removed from play, the lights on their cowl light up green to signal that they are open, and defensive players are then free to molest them sexually.


The early stages of a game will play out like a normal sporting event, and most goals are usually scored before halftime because of this. But once the players have been stripped to the point that they can be molested, gameplay strategy tends to change as the alteration to field conditions introduce their own challenges.

One of these conditions is that a touch hold will only register if both touching hands are upon a section of the uniform. The cowls are not wired with touch sensors, to prevent them from becoming grabbing targets. So, this means that as more of a player's uniform is removed, and more of the player is revealed, the ability to score a touch against them becomes that much harder. And once a player is "open" this means touches only register on the limbs themselves, which are usually in motion. It is therefore not uncommon for multiple defense players to converge on a single offense player with intent to surround them and immobilize them long enough to be touched. This is usually referred to as "group groping."

These games usually devolve at this point into an on-field orgy. This then poses a challenge for moving the ball down the field, as any avenue of movement may be blocked by players engaged in group sex. In some games, game play will cease altogether and the orgy will simply continue until time runs out.

A team who is ahead on points will therefore have incentive to turn the game into an orgy. A team who are behind on points may end up weighing the value of scoring another point, versus just enjoying the sexual escapades on the field.

Zero-G Foozball

While matches have been held on playing fields with gravity, there are also fields with little to no gravity, where a version of the game is played. There are low-gravity arenas on Boink's moon, as well as zero-gravity fields in large chambers on the orbital platforms around the planet. Gameplay on these fields is considerably more difficult, and more acrobatic as players leap and move through three dimensions to follow the ball. The sex orgies that these games devolve into also take place across all three dimensions, with groups of players scattered around, and becoming moving, mid-air obstacles.


Irata Games created FoozBall! an arcade game cabinet based on a foosball table, with onscreen scoring, and a stripping aspect for the players to perform as goals are scored.