Foozle Bop

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Foozle Bop are a synth-heavy, musical act whose members are all Foozles. They are credited with the trans-galactic popularity of the musical genre Boink Rock, which balances equal parts musicianship, and sexuality.

The Look

The band members all wear the same fur markings and patterns, each in their own individual color. This consists of tummy, muzzle, poofles, headfur, as well as their hands and feet all colored, with the rest of the body left undyed, in their natural white fur color. They also each wear a "mask" marking around their eyes. Each member wears a different headfur hairsytye as well.

They also all wear the same outfit, which usually consists of briefs and a brief bandeau top with a heart-shaped cutout in the center, as well as studded armbands and collar, though they have worn other outfits for special occasions and promotions.

Band Members

A Foozle Bop tour poster, with special guest Nocturne

Color: Orange
Primary Band Position: Electric Guitar
Vibrato is the natural leader of the group, with the other three members regarding her like an older sibling or parent. This is primarily because she is The Sensible One, and has the most business savvy. The other three place such trust in her skills that they let her negotiate their recording contract.

Color: Pink
Primary band Position: Singer
Aria is the band's singer, though she often doubles-up on various other instruments such as bass, rhythm guitar or tambourine. When not performing, she tends to be quiet and can come off as a bit shy. However, she loses all trace of this quiet shyness when performing, becoming loud and proud. Due to her understated nature in interviews, she tends to be regarded as The Cute One by the band's fans. The other members can be somewhat protective of her.

Color: Purple
Primary band Position: Keyboards
Octave is a wizard with keyboards, and quite a gearhead when it comes to vintage equipment. She is the most seductive of the four band members, and tends to play up the magical angle as part of her public persona, not quite playing at goth, but sort of walking the line between gothic sex witch, and otherworldly sex wizard. With her sophistication and style, she tends to be regarded as The Sexy One.

Color: Green
Primary Band Position: Drums
Tempo is bawdy, lusty and crude. Fans regard her as The Scary One. Interestingly, she was also voted the one that fans would most like to be tied down and molested by until they could no longer walk. She has a keen sense of humor, with a quick wit, and is known for her sharply on-point sarcasm. She also likes to play up her public perception as a rampant sex beast.

Other Associates

Beeper is a robot, who has worked for the band's record company for many years, primarily as a junior assistant stage manager. He was finally given his big break, to oversee a major act, when he was given the job as Road Manager for Foozle Bop. He was chosen for the job because as a robot, he has no sex drive whatsoever and lacks all the necessary parts for one. He can be somewhat neurotic, and seems almost constantly worried about corralling the band members and getting them to their next appearance on time, without them becoming distracted by the sites and experiences to be had across the galaxy, or getting arrested for public indecency. Octave has pondered installing a sex drive chip and assorted "equipment" into him, but her bandmates have talked her out of it so far.

Rainbow is officially the band's roadie. However he also receives double pay, for being marked down in the band's manifest as "exercise equipment." This is because one of his two jobs is to be the sexual plaything of the band members, in the hopes that having a boytoy plaything onstaff will make them less likely to search out sexual experiences outside their various tour venues, especially in regions of a more puritanical nature. He is a tall, white, and buff unicorn with a golden horn, and a multicolored rainbow mane. He is also a bit of a boy bimbo, being big, strong, dim and pretty. He refers to Beeper as "Boss."

The Fifth Bopper:
This mystery Foozle sometimes appears onstage with the band at some shows, mostly those within the vicinity of the planet Boink. Publicly, nobody knows who she is, and the public only know her as The Fifth Bopper. She appears identical to the other members of the band at these shows, with white body and similar markings, but in the color blue. In actuality, this is Twinkle the Foozle, in disguise. She met the band by accident, by getting on their tour bus one day, thinking that it was public transportation. She was wearing a Foozle Bop cosplay outfit, and Rainbow mistook her for a member of the band and let her on. She struck up a friendship with the band, during which she mentioned she had the same make and model of keytar as Octave played, and that she had been practicing a number of their synth riffs. As the band had just broken one of their sequencers, they drafted her on the spot to appear onstage with them that night, and fill in on the parts that the broken sequencer would have played. To keep her from being mobbed by fans afterward, they stripped her, and gave her the band's body markings for the duration of the show, vowing never to reveal her real name to anyone. They continue to call on her services from time to time, always keeping in mind to protect her identity from the world at large. Not even Cobalt knows it's her.

This twinkish, femboy raccoon started his career as Foozle Bop's opening act, sometimes traveling with the band in their tour vehicle. However, he soon rose to fame alongside them and became a major act in his own right. His style is a mix of glam-rock, with a touch of Japanese idol singer. His body markings are peach with purple accents, and his trademark is a purple heart shape on his left cheek. He commonly wears outfits made of transparent green fabrics, though these are designed to leave him essentially nude onstage, consisting of things like vests, sleeves, leggings or stockings, neckbands, and jewelry. These costumes are designed with exhibitionism in mind, to leave his entire body on display to the audience. In venues where such displays of nudity would be illegal, he wears the absolute minimum required to remain within the public decency laws, such as bikini briefs or panties. His music tends to be light and fluffy, and poppish, of the love and romance variety, and this goes along with his demeanor which is also light and fluffy and loving. He has skills in a number of instruments, all of which were taught to him by the members of Foozle Bop, as this allowed him to double up on their backing parts when needed, during their tours together.