Wet Dream

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Cherry-Berry, one of the product mascots for Wet Dream.

A sexual performance-enhancing cocktail created from the secretions of the Honeysuckle plant, consisting of a powerful aphrodisiac and a drug designed to lower inhibitions and relax the body. It was first created for use at the Galactic Fertility Bank to assist in donor collections, but has since become popular as a recreational novelty.


Wet Dream possesses a pleasant, fruity flavor which has been described as "Cherry - Berry" or "Bubblegum Punch." Incidentally, the names "Cherry - Berry" and "Bubblegum Punch" have also been adopted as the names for Wet Dream's marketing mascots.


Bubblegum Punch, the other product mascot for Wet Dream.

The Honeysuckle plants which grow natively on the planet Boink use a chemical lure to ensnare prey, and make them both mentally and physically amenable to a sexual milking. Wet Dream is refined from the secretions of that chemical lure, with the individual aspects of it separated out so that they may be recombined to provide whichever selection of effects the user desires.


It can be served in a number of styles that cater to various popular kinks and fetishes. Well known variants include:

Stiff: Adds a Viagra - style drug to provide male users an erection that can last for hours at a time. Female users have also reported that the drug causes clitoral arousal and vaginal wetness of equal intensity and duration to the effect on males.

Creamy: Adds a drug which causes male semen production to go into overdrive. Male users will generate cum at such a high rate of yield, that they soon will "overflow" via minor automatic and involuntary orgasmic releases, if a full orgasm is not induced through external means. The effect of this drug is what gave Wet Dream it's name.

Classic: The version originally used at the Galactic Fertility Bank, to assist in the "milking" of male sperm donors: includes both of the Stiff and Creamy additives.

Milky: Includes a drug to induce rapid lactation in the user. Originally intended to be used exclusively by females, some males who experimented with it discovered that it was marginally effective on them, as well. A variant known as the Double - Milky (which contains twice the active ingredient) can cause males to produce milk with the same efficiency as females, though some frequent, repeat users of this have reported that over time, it will increase breast size, effectively turning males into shemales.

Pink Goddess: This is essentially the female version of the Classic, made with both the Stiff and Milky additives, causing clitorial arousal, sexual lubrication of the female genitals and rapid lactation. Users are advised to remain properly hydrated until it wears off.

Cowhorn: This is what you get when you mix in all three of the additives for the Stiff, the Creamy and the Milky. Essentially turns a user into a living drinks dispenser. Quite popular with shemales, hermaphrodites, and Foozles, especially if they haven't had lunch yet. The same hydration warnings apply to this as the Pink Goddess. Mooing while under its influence isn't mandatory, but is recommended.

Blue: This variant of the drink uses the only additive that comes with an antidote. It prevents orgasm until the drug wears off or until the antidote is swallowed. Quite popular with edging fetishists, especially during bondage play. While the effect is quite potent when the drug is first taken, it loses effect after an hour passes and subsequent doses are largely ineffective until the body has metabolised out the quantity already present. It gets its name from the fact that the additive causes a chemical reaction when mixed into the normally pink liquid, causing it to turn a brilliant blue color. This makes it easy to identify and less likely for the unwary to swallow it by mistake.

Purple: This is what you get when you mix a Blue with a Classic. Causes intense arousal, and cum production in males but at the same time it also prevents orgasm from occurring. This results in cum backing up inside a male's testicles until the antidote is swallowed or until the one hour duration of the drug passes. The resulting orgasm is said to be mind-blowing. Multiple repeated uses will increase testicle size and capacity.

All-Nighter: This is just the basic drink with no additives: contains only the aphrodisiac and the drug to lower inhibitions and relax the body. It has become popular among Foozles as a bedtime drink, not just for its relaxation properties but also for its tendency to induce kinky sexual dreams all night long.


There are no known chemical side-effects to use of Wet Dream, and it has no addictive qualities apart from just being a whole lot of fun. Some physical enlargement to various body parts may occur depending on repeated regular use of various additives, such as increased testicle size and capacity, or increased breast size and capacity. But these changes require routine uses over a long timespan to build up their effect, somewhat akin to an exercise regime, and any enlargement will slowly subside if that regime is not maintained.


Wet Dream is marketed and sold by Lovesquirt Industries, the same company that markets and sells Lewb. It's one of the most well-known exports from the planet Boink. It is supplied to the Galactic Fertility Bank as well as sold commercially through Porno Hut franchises.

Product Mascots:

Cherry-Berry and Bubblegum Punch:

The primary mascots for Wet Dream, appearing in advertising for the product and on the packaging, much in the style of a cereal box cartoon characters. However, Cherry-Berry and Bubblegum Punch are both real Foozles with status as Ambassadors Of Boink. They make public appearances throughout the galaxy to promote Wet Dream and other Boink related products such as various Foozle-designed sex toys, and Lewb.

Together, they act as a comedy duo, of straight man and clown:

Cherry Berry is the "straight man" of the two, portrayed as cool, smooth, and sensual.

Bubblegum Punch is the clownish one, portrayed as a slightly giddy hornball, always on the hunt for her next sexual thrill.


A Honeysuckle vine that, as per the marketing pitch, acts as a sidekick to Cherry-Berry and Bubblegum Punch. Owing to the fact that the Honeysuckle vine grows natively only on the planet Boink however, Slicky-Licky, on rare occasions when he does take part in a public appearance, is portrayed by a robotic sex puppet, and is voiced by an actor offstage.